Water and Stone
Water and gravity are the masterful writers and stone is the recording tablet for all events of life on earth. When you look at this photograph that I took on the edge of the Gunnison River near Dominguez Canyon, it tells an ancient story, which can be investigated like a detective in a crime scene. If I were to file a report, I would say; “A geologically recent boulder rolled off the sandstone cliff above, probably loosened by water and freezing temperatures. With the assistance of the unseen hand of gravity, it rolled down the embankment and landed on top of the older Pre-Cambrian Granite which was sculpted by the river water flow.“ The time-scene is a revelatory moment, uncovering the history of geologic events which occurred millions of years ago, and the immediate moment, the watery dance of the river, a gentle breeze caressing the grass, and the shape-shifting clouds drifting high above the canyon walls. Welcome to the ancient present!